It was a poopy few weeks leading up to the eclipse. I missed several of my self-imposed deadlines for completing Stumbling toward the Buddha, 10th Anniversary Edition, which caused a lot of moping. Friendships were in upheaval. I suddenly hated the movies I used to love. White privilege was in my face. My car stopped working.
Please resist the temptation to tell me things will get better. Please don’t point out the inherent beauty of my rotten month. Please don’t offer to clear my lower chakras of the energy blockage that is obstructing light-filled messages from my guardian angels.
I’m not one to make lemonade from lemons.
Silver linings clash with my complexion.
Rose-colored glasses obscure my view.
Dung beetles serve as my gurus.
They eat manure, fight over it, and build nurseries in it.
If they lose their way while rolling a dung ball down the road, they climb on top of it to navigate by the stars.
And they wear dung as as flip-flops to protect their tootsies from the baking savanna.
With 8,000 species of dung beetles, you’ve got to figure they know what they’re doing.
If life continues to pile on like steaming elephant poop, I’ll burrow right on in and make myself at home.
Please resist the temptation to tell me things will get better. Please don’t point out the inherent beauty of my rotten month. Please don’t offer to clear my lower chakras of the energy blockage that is obstructing light-filled messages from my guardian angels.
I’m not one to make lemonade from lemons.
Silver linings clash with my complexion.
Rose-colored glasses obscure my view.
Dung beetles serve as my gurus.
They eat manure, fight over it, and build nurseries in it.
If they lose their way while rolling a dung ball down the road, they climb on top of it to navigate by the stars.
And they wear dung as as flip-flops to protect their tootsies from the baking savanna.
With 8,000 species of dung beetles, you’ve got to figure they know what they’re doing.
If life continues to pile on like steaming elephant poop, I’ll burrow right on in and make myself at home.