While I’m reading, a sentence will grab me and force me to stop. I pay tribute to other authors by sharing their Damn Fine Sentences with you. Then I recount a memory the words bring up for me. It’s about how books connect with your life.
“No one could rival Arthur Less for his ability to exit a room while remaining inside it.”
—Andrew Sean Greer
Diversity training session in a small conference room. Except for the facilitator and me, everyone in the room was white. The facilitator instructed us to pair up with the person in the room we knew least well. I was a new employee. My co-workers barely knew my name. Circling the conference table like ring-around-the-rosey, they all paired up, leaving me standing by myself.
The facilitator and I exchanged a look of disbelief.
I don’t know what happened after that, because my soul walked right out the door.
“No one could rival Arthur Less for his ability to exit a room while remaining inside it.”
—Andrew Sean Greer
Diversity training session in a small conference room. Except for the facilitator and me, everyone in the room was white. The facilitator instructed us to pair up with the person in the room we knew least well. I was a new employee. My co-workers barely knew my name. Circling the conference table like ring-around-the-rosey, they all paired up, leaving me standing by myself.
The facilitator and I exchanged a look of disbelief.
I don’t know what happened after that, because my soul walked right out the door.