While I’m reading, a sentence will grab me and force me to stop. I pay tribute to other authors by sharing their Damn Fine Sentences with you. Then I recount a memory the words bring up for me. It’s about how books connect with your life.
“I believe that misery doesn’t need company as much as I believe misery is company.”
———Hanif Abduraquib
———There’s Always This Year
I missed my walk today.
My feet left the house, but I lingered inside my mind. Since the gas bill was extra high this month, was it a good idea to shop for a new bag (well, yes)? I still needed to replenish my supply of healthy food from the over-priced organic grocery store.
In my absence, maybe my feet admired the willow around the corner, relished the crunch of broken acorns, and reassured the hounds that bayed a warning from behind their fence.
My walk ended before I caught up.
“I believe that misery doesn’t need company as much as I believe misery is company.”
———Hanif Abduraquib
———There’s Always This Year
I missed my walk today.
My feet left the house, but I lingered inside my mind. Since the gas bill was extra high this month, was it a good idea to shop for a new bag (well, yes)? I still needed to replenish my supply of healthy food from the over-priced organic grocery store.
In my absence, maybe my feet admired the willow around the corner, relished the crunch of broken acorns, and reassured the hounds that bayed a warning from behind their fence.
My walk ended before I caught up.